Current and Historical Market Conditions for Retirees

Rob Daumler, CFP talks about how to navigate current market conditions and what can be learned from previous market data.

Monte Carlo Analysis & Financial Planning

Lucas Mertz, CFP, CIM walks through Monte Carlo analysis and how is can be used effectively by financial planners.

What to Look for in a Financial Planner

Jamie Buchan is a business coach for financial planners. With his 30+ years of experience he has put together a scoring system of different the things that he thinks are crucial when deciding to work with a financial planner.

Master Your Retirement in Any Market Condition

Daumler & Associates of IG Private Wealth Management presents on current market conditions and financial planning. Speakers include Rob Daumler, Lucas Mertz, and Jamie Buchan.

Q1 market review: a strong start to the year

IG’s Chief Investment Strategist, Philip Petursson, looks back at promising start to the year, despite some volatility.

IG Target Education Portfolios for RESPs

IG Target Education Portfolios make saving for post-secondary education easier and less stressful, so you can focus on your child’s more immediate firsts.